Niko Pollner

Dr.-Ing. Niko Pollner

Department Informatik (INF)
Lehrstuhl für Informatik 6 (Datenmanagement)

GPG-Fingerprint: 2686 0E62 482E 243F 96CF 990D 5447 D625 EEAA 3774

Niko Pollner war von Oktober 2011 bis September 2017 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an unserem Lehrstuhl. Bis April 2021 war er externer Doktorand. Am 16. April 2021 verteidigte er seine Dissertation mit dem Titel „Query Optimization in Distributed Heterogeneous Data Stream Systems“ / „Anfrageoptimierung in verteilten heterogenen Datenstromsystemen“.



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ACM-Artikel, bereitgestellt über den ACM Author-Izer Service

ACM DL Author-ize serviceOperator fission for load balancing in distributed heterogeneous data stream processing systems

Niko Pollner, Christian Steudtner, Klaus Meyer-Wegener
DEBS ’15 Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, 2015

ACM DL Author-ize serviceData Stream Application Manager (DSAM)

Frank Lauterwald, Niko Pollner, Michael Daum, Klaus Meyer-Wegener
DEBS ’12 Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, 2012

ACM DL Author-ize serviceBlack-box determination of cost models‘ parameters for federated stream-processing systems

Michael Daum, Frank Lauterwald, Philipp Baumgärtel, Niko Pollner, Klaus Meyer-Wegener
IDEAS ’11 Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on International Database Engineering & Applications, 2011

ACM DL Author-ize serviceEfficient and cost-aware operator placement in heterogeneous stream-processing environments

Michael Daum, Frank Lauterwald, Philipp Baumgärtel, Niko Pollner, Klaus Meyer-Wegener
DEBS ’11 Proceedings of the 5th ACM international conference on Distributed event-based system, 2011